Sunday, September 24, 2006

; the way i do

I grab every adventure that comes my way, but it's never enough. There's always something even more exciting and wonderful just up ahead, out of reach. I'm terrified at what might happen if I stop chasing after the next thrill.

When I listen to mp3s on an Ipod, I'd switch songs incessantly till I find one I like. After listening for the first minute, I'd move on to another, and the routine continues, until the end of the train ride. I've always wondered why I never managed to finish an entire song, then I realised. I'm afraid I would miss a better one I might enjoy even more, one which might lie just right ahead. But.. what I never learnt was that I might just skip past the best one in my quest for the perfection.

A text from my best friend from secondary school,

(go to view, character encoding, and hit unicode)


Direct translation for the mandarin-challenged.

What we can't get will always be the best.
What we do get might not be perfect.
What we've lost are but past now.
The important thing is to cherish those in front of you,
They, are your full marks..

More than a couple of people have lectured me on this, that I always want what I can't have. Then, I yearn, I chase, and sometimes I fight for it. I forgot, I overlooked what I have, and I imagine I'll be so happy and contented once I claim my prize. End of the day, I do get what I want. Eventually. But I'd lose what really matters the most. The best things I missed out on, that I'll never have again. And the sad, but ironic thing is, most of the time, I'd lose interest once I've gained my trophy. The vicious cycle repeats like a circle, again and again.

I don't want to reiterate my mistakes.

And end up the one in pain with no one else but myself to blame, once again.

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