Sunday, September 03, 2006

; mungkin nanti

Yesterday I was outside Lido in the wee hours of the morning (say 1 or 2 am) and I couldn't help a creepy sense of dejavu coming over me.

I remembered that time, it was after X-Men III. Michie, him, me and you. It was the first time I met you after you made known your feelings. It was the first time you held my hand.

I can still envision the scene in the cinema when I pulled my hand away after you got a text from your ex-girlfriend. And the way you whispered. "Baby.. don't be like that."

And because of that, you decided to make your way down to your ex's to clear things up, that you wanted an out for real. And the way you told me, I'm a free bird now when you were done.

Though I wasn't in love with you, I enjoyed your company. I really did. It's sad that we're no longer friends. Hanging out, just the four of us the way we used to was fun. Time seemed to fly.

I'm glad things are going well for you and your girlfriend right now. Even after all the shit you've done to me. I really am happy for you, and for her as well.

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