Wednesday, September 27, 2006

; i won't see you tonight

It's so scary how these entries seem to speak straight from my heart.

Is it wise to get used to someone? To feel too comfortable?
Sometimes, the more you put in, the less you get.
The more you give, the more there is taken away from you in the end.
I hope it does not happen again.

I'm happy, but in doubt. Im smiling, but for how long? It's not anyone's fault, but people have hurt me too much till I believe there will not be someone who won't try hurting me. I don't know. Paranoia. Insecurity. Inability to trust. Whatever you may call it. I have a right to feel that way. Be it being selfish or not. Isn't it? For now, I'll keep smiling, because nothing bad has happened. (:

Although appearing strong in not letting myself get hurt is only a euphemism for being too weak to trust, Id rather feel that way. People may say this girl is so strong, shes so cold she's iced herself from feeling, from getting hurt. In fact, she's afraid to fall, to trust, because shes too weak to allow herself more trauma.

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