Wednesday, September 06, 2006

; now and forever

I hailed a taxi in the rain, looking for someplace to ease the pain. Then like an answered prayer, I turned around and found you there. You really knew what to do, how to start fixing a broken heart. Your emotional tools can cure any fool who's dreams have fallen apart. I didn't understand what I was going through. But the hurt just disappears in every moment that you were near, just like an answered prayer, you made the lonliness easy to bear. Then the rain stopped falling, and I forgot the past.

Whenever I'm weary from the battles that raged in my head, you made sense of madness, when my sanity hangs by a thread. I lose my way but still you seem to understand. Now and forever, you promised to be there. Sometimes I just hold you, too caught up in me to see I'm holding a fortune, that heaven has given to me. You tried to show me each and every way you can, now and forever you will always be there. Then I can rest my worries and always be sure that I won't be alone anymore. If I only knew you were there all the time.. all those times. And now there's nothing to say the day you left. Just filled a suitcase full of regrets.

Did I use you, did I lead you on? Did I break your heart into a million shattered fragments?

If only you knew I never meant to.

I'm sorry.. I really am.

Micky asked me once, have you ever reciprocated the feelings of a nice guy? And I thought it over and sheepishly answered.. Not really.

But though love's not possible between us I wish the friendship had remain. Because I miss you, my dear, and I wish you were still here.

Don't you ever wish you were someone else. You are meant to be the the way you are exactly. Don't you ever say, you don't like the way you are. And I hope you'd always stay the same, cos there's nothing bout you I would change.

I do, cherish you. I would take bullets for you. And I wish you'd know that.

Is this silent treatment my punishment, or your own?

Don't wonder why an angel broke your heart. Cos please.. I'm no angel. =(

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