Friday, September 29, 2006

; it is you (i have loved)

Lacking of substantial posts in the recent, I see.

But one thing I realised after blogging for 3 or 4 years, is that the best musings, from myself at least, results from excessive emo-ness. Which means I've been pretty happy these days.

What can I say, the boy rocks my socks?

Nah, it's just that. Some things I can't pronounce openly, not even on my ranting ground. Michie and Cousin dearest are my only trustworthy vessels to the pouring of woes and whatnots that make up my very complicated life.

On the other hand, my life's only complicated cos of choices I made, but blame me not, for who and certainly not me, mademoiselle can help the output of feelings evolved?

Haven't much time for the little one of late. So I just picked her up and placed her on my lap after kissing her on her furry little cheek. She's my daily dosage of cuteness, those watery huge eyes framed by tender brown lashes, and that soft expression protruding on her apple shaped head. Everybody go AWWWW.

Being the most temperamental creature alive, I thank my baby for putting up with me. Not easy I know, but hey. The benefits are pretty enticing, wouldn't you say?

HEHEHEHE. Omg I can't believe I'm sounding suggestive on a public blog. Time to get a room!


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