Tuesday, July 31, 2007

; scars

Wah lao.

I can't even view random people without stumbling upon. (some unknown sent me a message so I clicked his profile, and spotted a pretty unknown commenting 'u r?' on his comments, so I sniggered and checked out her profile and lo and behold I see her kissing my ex boyfriend)

I forgot to mention, a chance meeting with a new acquaintance, no I should say, friend, raked up sweet, yet painful memories that made me dig out my August? archives to engulf myself in what could have been, but can never be.

Oh what am I ranting about. I love my boyfriend, almost like how Bella loves Edward. I love Edward too. EDWARD CULLEN WHY CAN'T YOU EXIST!

; tell me where it hurts

I haven't heard a song I didn't already knew in ages. Just a random thought.

I've finished New Moon, been procrastinating for a month or two after the very awesome Twilight, probably because I read the blurb and I wasn't thrilled though I know it's gonna turn out wonderful and I will buy it eventually anyway. I'm weird when it comes to reading books, you can see all the traces of the perfectionist I've worked so hard to erase. AND I tend to feel too passionately and personally towards the characters, some parts I hate to have to read cos.. I don't know how and I'm too lazy to figure how to explain it right now.

Can't wait for the next book coming out say Sept, I think?

A hot shower works wonders, before my eyes were literally glazing over the screen and I couldn't even finish three puffs without stubbing it out but now I'm blogging!

Have I mentioned my latest fascination? JEANS. Yeah the bag craze is so over. I've never liked switching the contents of my bags here and there, too much of a hassle. But of course, no complains if you'll like to be a sweetheart and get me an early christmas gift ^^.

Raw jeans. Cult jeans.

I'm going with raw. What about you?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

; young and dangerous 2

Now that everything's fine and dandy, I got a bone to pick with the unknowns.

Rather than speaking so much behind a false name, why don't you develop the courage, and send me a message through Friendster, so I can know exactly who you are? Cowards really.

But it's amusing to know that I am so intimidating. :D

The boyfriend's booking out tomorrow!


Can't wait can't wait can't wait.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

; the call

I'm half ashamed to admit how such an nonsensical issue is livening up my days, making me suck most gleefully on the fags whilst I chortle up self proclaimed witty replies, with the additional knowledge that I'm wasting other people's time and making them boil. Haha!

I wish Ww and Cw could see this. She'll be laughing her head off as well.

To a few friends who have kindly suggested deleting flamers' comments off my tagboard, oh you know I'll never do that. I can never resist the urge to fathom how people with inferior intellect work their less capable minds.

The world's my ashtray. So lemme waste a few more mins flicking ash.

Okay, I see that whoa whoa whoa, the 'victim''s sister and sister's friend/boyfriend/whatever are standing up for their poor child. Wanna ask your mother to give me a call while you're at it? I would love to be presented gift-wrapped the chance to tell her how your precious is traumatizing my cousin and disturbing her with annoying messages when she was trying to study. Note, YOUR SISTER started sending my cousin messages. Why couldn't she have well left her alone, so all these needn't have happened?

And 'defenders' of JL, please get your strategy straight. One moment, I'm an outsider cos I'm not from your class, and not involved in class matters? Okay I'm an outsider! So why are MORE outsiders coming out to make noise? You can't have the best of both worlds, so choose one lah. Rather than making yourselves look stupid

And 'Darren', you're making me cringe with your imbecility. Like Dylan so astutely pointed out, you've been visiting hookers I see, thus you're so familiar with them? Oh no why did we expose your lil secret? Poor 'Vonne' is gonna cry her eyes out.

100 points for Dylan! and 200 to Michie!

Like what she kept repeating, this is MY BLOG. MY SPACE. I registered this on blogspot.com, and I can do what I like with it. Posting my pictures up indeed. That's up to me, no? If you guys are so unhappy, find an outlet to release your anger by all means, go bang your fists on the wall or go jump off a building or something. That's your problem. I honestly don't give a flying fuck if you're so frustrated you choose to cut yourself or commit suicide or something.

NOTE, when I was so upset by what your sister did to my cousin, I BLOGGED IT ON MY BLOG, HURTING AND DISTURBING NO ONE. Who asked you to read? Nobody! If you can't take reality, don't surf the net. But you, like the childish dimwits you are, can't find an alternative to express anger besides DISTURBING MY PEACE? You're lucky I don't mind cos you're such entertainment. More interesting cos you're dumber than the Tom & Jerry cartoons I laugh over.

I already stated clearly in my blog. Wanna play law? Keep saying wanna sue here sue there, CALL A LAWYER AND SEND A LETTER. Wanna play underground? Call your little friends out. I would love to repeat the three calls, 100 people at Cine stunt. But now I've grown up lah so I might just call police. LOL.

Yawnsie. Nothing else to.. EH WAIT.

Don't ask my friend whether she 'GET IT' or not please. My friend is brilliance itself. A third year NP student with a 12 point O level score. You're so beneath her, so don't try being condescending.

And your hopelessly idiocy seeing your misconception that people have to look BETTER than others to give their two cents? Grow up. Why then, do people say stuff like 'Fann Wong pretty meh! Yucks!' or 'Eeee Miss Singapore so ugly!' when they themselves are not celebrities or anything close? People are entitled to opinions, in case you didn't know.

I'm sure you've learned so much from this enlightening blog post. Don't go making the same mistakes again, it's a complete disgrace.

Like Einstein said, great minds will always encounter opposition from the mediocre. Which, translated in words you will understand means stupid people will always make hell lot of a noise to disrupt the peace.

Go on flaming, I'll be glad to teach you guys more. BRING IT ON!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

; channel 65

Stupid people.

Stupid BF.

The two bright spots of today?

I finally got my Lancome self proclaimed MAGIC STICK. Retailing at $155, 30 ml but I bought the 10 ml in sample form at $15! Great deal eh? Anyone else who uses Clinique, Clarins, Estee Lauder, Dior and a few others I can't remember, can ask me where to get these great buys!

AND. I know it's my fault la, sticking with Cw 24/7, as well as being an antisocial mountain tortoise, but TODAY..

I gotta admit, I haven't seen such a healthy, YUMMY specimen of the male species in a long long time. Daniel Wu look-alike, no joke. HOTNESS I tell you. Stakeout location, DFS Louis Vuitton. I was whining to my cousin that I can't possibly go there on pretense of buying stuff everyday to see him! Why can't he work at Guess or something.. =( =( =(

I swear lah! Mich go see!!!

; annonying brats

Hello kids, I'm so glad you discovered my blog.

At least 10 different children reading I see.

This is so hilarious. A bunch of silly children THREATENING to sue me. Well, if you're so high and mighty, why don't you have the balls to leave your name? If you're so unhappy, by all means, do something about it.

Wanna do it law by law, wanna play it underground, no problem yo. I'm more than willing to entertain you.

Understand that I have no idea who you people are, and I don't deny I was making a personal attack to JL but please. She reduced my cousin to a huddling mass of tears for no less than THREE hours. How do you think I feel? Seeing my cousin crying so hard? Why should I let it go? Addition to that, I was furious about her nasty crack on Malays.

Mind, I didn't even call JL up and yell at her, I was merely writing in my blog, expressing how I feel. MY blog. I'm free to write whatever I want. Of course, you can sue me for libel if you want, lets see how far you can go. (:

And speaking of sue-ing, I can just as easily sue your darling JL for making that racist statement towards Malays. See what happens to someone who makes derogatory comments about another race in Singapore.

Monday, July 23, 2007

; channel 8

I thought it was getting easier but NO.

Prolly cos we've been texting during all his free times the last couple of days but today, he only had the early morning to spare.

It's been more than 12 hours and I miss my Baby so.

; shoutouts to the bitch

I've always placed my Blood before anything else. So here I am, addressing the grievances of my Cousin dearest, whom to me is as good as my very own younger sister.

This is the tale of a nasty little girl, lost in her pathetic illusions, imagining herself to be the Princess of HongKah Secondary. Never heard of it, you say? I'm not surprised. It's a school with a most hideous turquoise uniform. But never mind the garments. My point is, this brat named JL is not unlike a frog in the well, yknow?

With a calibre like hers (I would post a picture, but I'm looking forward to a bowl of noodles later and I don't wanna ruin my appetite, just imagine - short, black, and a most queerly cheena distorted face and she poses like those aHlIanX wOrx, with bIgBig eYes and nO mOutH) - she thinks she's gonna be prom queen. Oh the horror. Simply because most of the school's blind enough to proclaim her 'School Belle' (excuse me while I gag), but please. I was aching to wave a picture of my prom queen, Vera. Let you readers enjoy a game of Spot the Difference. One resembling a fairy princess, another a ghastly toad.

And hello, kid, what the hell did you mean when you told my cousin to brush up on her intonation? Talk about pot calling the kettle black. I gotta admit my cuz doesn't have the best english ever, but please lah! My goodness you'll wake Shakespeare from his grave, your English's so outrageously lousy. There's no other word for it. I'm not even going to bring up your SINGLISH, which, is perfectly fine in a 40 year old auntie selling fish in the market but not in an educated student like yourself. I'm too lazy to correct her too many mistakes. One example would be more than adequate; 'Gain pityness.' What the fuck! Pityness? Did you learn that from the Bangla? Pity, PITY for fuck's sake.

'I use a g0od t0ne kay. D0nn who ask for quarrel. U think u tall u matured.' - Eh? You think you're using an audio message? My cousin's supposed to detect your 'good tone?' You're the one texting my cousin. Be thankful she deigned to waste her message on you, monstrosity of a girl. And let me tell you, yeah, being tall doesn't make a person mature, IT'S MATURE WITHOUT THE FUCKING D BTW, neither does being a SHORTIE make you princess of the world.

You're better than my cousin? Why shouldn't my cousin leave your 'cliques' WITHOUT THE S AGAIN LITTLE GIRL. If I have to see your fucking face everyday I might die a good five years before my time. You're the one who think you're right all the time. Spoilt, self-centered brat. And I highly doubt your time is precious, since you have so much time, you can come round attacking my cousin outta the blue. Why? Boyfriend found you too much like a toad, both in looks and character, so you needa take it out on my cousin? Your poor boyfriend.. my deepest condolences to him.

You have no respect for other religions at all. Asking Malays to eat pork indeed. I wonder how my muslim friends will take it. And being mature doesn't mean girls needn't be careful of guys. Once again, you're demonstrating your utter infantility (which means childishness) Ladies should always be careful of guys, much less muslim women, who are forbidden by religion to sleep in the same room with the male gender. Does respect mean anything to you, fuckface?

It's only polite to look at someone in the face when the person is talking. Rude child. Why don't you go back to Mummy and drink some milk and at the same time, learn some manners?

I won't go into details about the chalet, cos I'm tired of wasting my time blogging on this bitch fart.

I don't usually make personal attacks on individuals, I tend to get a tad too hurtful, but you started the cheap shots on my cousin first, so you deserve them. Stupid girl. Slutshit. Disgusting pussyface. You disgust me. And I'm waiting for the day your true colors will be revealed.


and I can't help but say this. What? 15 dollars also can't come up with? Fucking cheapskate. Damn sad I tell you. But kinda obvious anyway. Look at your clothes. Pasar Malam bought? Look at your hair. Too poor to cut? Haha. Poor thing. Tsk, tsk.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

; rainbow haven

The pills were never a mistake.

I'm so weak, that all I can do is swallow one everytime I need to dull my brain.

It's scientifically proven that it is, technically impossible to die from heartbreak, but it sure feels this way right now. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

It will always be the one we love, who hurt us the most.

The mother's brilliant, for hiding the knives. But she can't stop the pain. No one can.

Friday, July 20, 2007

; hey there delilah

It's pathetic I tell you.

No wonder I hear the radios blaring Hey There Delilah these days. I couldn't believe my ears. What, after 3 years? A little slow aren't you?

Just like My Chemical Romance. Years after I'm Not Okay and The Ghost of You were first discovered by us 'online geeks' who seek to discover new wonders through technology, RADIO came along and POOF!

MCR fucking sold out and now they're like some desperate band catering to emo wannabees or young punks.

So now it's Plain White T's turn. If I hear another person going Oooh I love PWT's again I'm gonna hurl. And murder if anyone tries hitting on my A Lonely September.

You just wait. I'm not being selfish. But bands that hit mainstream always become so Top40. Blah. Just wait and see.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

; channel 62

Yes, I know it can be frustrating when the BF is trying to be nice and please me, and all I do is question his motives.

It's just as frustrating when I'm playing the faithful girlfriend role dutifully, keeping the perfunctory distance from guys and still have to harbor doubts on the BF's fidelity.

All these boils down to trust.

And lets face it, you can never mend a piece of broken glass, the cracks will always be there. It was never my fault, it was his - and I feel the least he can do is assure, and assure cos that's what I need.

A little bit goes a long long way.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

; i write sins not tragedies

So I'm ashamed of myself for being so terribly.. difficult with the boyfriend despite the mere 15 - 20 minutes we can talk every 24 hours.

But I can't help it.

He's been taking it well though. Sigh.

Monday, July 16, 2007

; invisible wings

The good, the bad, which first?

The good news is that though I couldn't help crying and berating the boyfriend for not calling me earlier and only once a day, he took it all very well, and was so sweet he almost made me burst into tears again. It's also wonderful to hear that his platoon mates are he said and I quote, 'not bad' people. I'm keeping my fingers crossed they won't be anything like the motherfuckers of the past.

Absence makes the heart fonder so they say, but I think it applies mostly towards people you can do without, difficult though it might be. Not me. I mean it does make my heart 'fonder' but then I can't love him anymore than I already do so fonder is technically a no go.

But it does make me cherish the little time we have more, no more senseless quarrels and nonsensical fights. And I think we're kinder to each other. I should really stop starving myself and then binge after his phone call (which produces endorphins for like, 2 hours or so) cos it isn't healthy at all. It's making me feel constipated. But I digressed,

the Bad,

This won't be the only two weeks without. After booking out for a miserly Friday Saturday he's gotta return on Sunday. AND THEN TWO WEEKS AGAIN. My god. The boyfriend's WAY happy about it though, cos he can do his field camp before the lunar seventh month. *rolls eyes. The BF-Mom and I can never understand why he's so cool with everything but the supernatural which would be one of the last things on my mind. I mean, I'm so not panicking about him getting lifted away by a ghostie (I'm touching wood now though).

I need a NS-Boyfriend Girlfriend Support Group. Anyone?

I seriously don't understand the cliche 'leaving your NS boyfriend for a Uni/whatever guy cliche'. Maybe I'm weird or hopelessly devoted or something. But I'm hesitating to even respond to a platonic male friend's invite to hang cos I wasn't sure what the boyfriend would feel about it. I'm sucha wonderful girlfriend, really.

Still.. this whole meeting once a week for the rest of two years is getting me so down. And the BF I think is hoping for Sispec. OCS, even. I'm secretly hoping he'll develop Erik type asthma, is that evil of me? Whoops.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

; bu neng shuo de mi mi

It's 5:05am now. He'll be awake in 25 mins, camp protocol.

Ahpui just popped by with a couple of ex huayi-ians i can faintly recognised, managed to sell off the pack of Reds I bought on impulse at Geylang with the BF, tempted by the cheap price. Ever since my Mom provides me with an approximate 3 packs a week, I find it silly to be buying cigs when I can get them at cost price, which is almost a whole dollar lesser.

I haven't smoked so much in a long time.

My brother didn't get Home Leave this weekend, have no idea why.

And don't mind me but I'm gonna start my whinings all over again.

It's not fair that it's impossible to see, to even talk at will to the two of the four (the other two being my dad and my lil bro) most important X chromosome entities in my life.

I wish I didn't wake up at 9pm today, now I can't fall asleep and I'll be exhausted when I head off for driving school.

Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually looking forward to working at my dad's new HP and calling cards shop at CCK when it finally opens at the end of this month. And I'm actually feeling too much of a downer to anticipate my final Harry Potter book which is coming out in 6 days, incidentally.

I have nothing to blog about anymore.

I feel like jumping off the building. I feel like drinking. I feel like getting high.

But I just sit in front of the comp and do nothing because I'm too much of a coward.

; canto tong hua

As if I'm not empty enough, the loneliness is eating at me, right down to the very core of my heart. Are you trying to hear the hollow beat, God? I want to meet you, to rage at you, to listen to your explanations and then finally break down sobbing in your lap, comforted by your soothing presence. But where are you? Where are you?

I'm boring everyone away, I know. Kitty, Yuanxin, Arvyn, all who conveniently lives in the West have offered their company when I need it. I'm thankful, and grateful for friends like these in dark days.

But I know me. Even when I head out, I will be nothing less than unhappy. Missing the boy every moment. Why am I so weak? I know life doesn't revolve around a relationship, however happy it is. But somehow I can't seem to overcome this tendency.

I hate this. I used to get tired of the same routine day in day out, but now banality is a source of comfort, joy even. I'm happy leading a boring life with the boy and the family, movies, food and more food, psp, gameboy, movie rentals, anime, books, forums, shopping, sleep, sex.

But now. Forums seem boring. Shopping seems meaningless. And I have no appetite. The usual symptoms. Remember how I fell ill and lost 10kg during the last breakup?

Now's the perfect time to chiong on my driving. I'm too tired to read the damn book.

I wonder if I'm suffering from the chronic fatigue syndrome. Feeling lethargic all the bloody time. I use to attribute that to depression but now I know better. Maybe it's time to get happy pills, either from the doctor, or illegally. Been really tempted to smack some K, but I'm not gonna ruin my life the juvenile way again by these "cheap" thrills.

It's embarrassing and I loathe showing weakness to the world, but bottomline, I have no friends I can call and go, 'Hey, wanna head out for a coffee or smth?' Sad, isn't it. Knowing so many and having none I can really call 'Friend'.

I'm all alone. And I'm worthless. I deserve this, I've screwed up so many times. But I never meant any harm. Maybe what my Grandma said about the fortune teller is true. I never liked disclosing it cos I don't wanna jinx anything, but damn, how much lower can I go?

'You'll have friends, plenty, and you'll treat them well but it might not necessarily be returned.'

To be fair I won't say I treat my friends all that brilliantly, but I try.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

; news at 11

This will be a quick one to prevent any outbursts or crying.

I don't know whether I'm okay, I'm manically depressed or anything else.

One moment I feel alright, an acceptance of a reality one cannot change,

the other I feel so resentful, that the Good Lord is tormenting me with Waiting once again.

I've cried but now I feel alright so I'm trying to keep it this way.

I think it's only when I really go think about it and how life has and will change, that I have only weekends to spend with him that I weep non stop.

I'm incoherent and I'm so self centered, everything in this post is I I I but whatever. Goodbye.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

; xin bu liao qing

So, I've been skipping up and down my winamp playlist, searching for the right song. Too emo, and it'll prolly make me go /slit. Too happy and it'll make me wanna heave.

How come my entries always begin with Songtalk ah? Hah.

I guess the impact of the impending Goodbye has finally hit me. Hard. And I don't think I'm being overly melodramatic. It's just, for the past 10 - 11 months, we've never been apart for more than a few days. Two weeks seems a lifetime, and after that it'll be Book ins and outs.

When my brother comes home for Homeleave this Sat, I'll be saying Goodbye to my boy. Last weekend with my brother, the boyfriend and the friends have been such, such fun, I know the boyfriend enjoyed the very different company too, like today when they played mahjong, despite him losing 70+ bucks.

And I can't deny a twinge of yearning for those days, childish though it may seem to other people, Gangsterism. It's not the fights I miss, it's the people. The blatent honesty, no fake smiles and acting high and mighty or even classy. Just.. being ourselves.

Tok's words struck a chord, deep in me. Yes, revenge is simple, when you have the contacts, when you have the dough. Probably just a few phonecalls away, you can make a person's life hell. But at the end of the day, is there a point? Let bygones be bygones. People hurt you, you find it in your heart to forgive them, that's the most precious miracle of life.

That's.. life. People are always gonna let you down. You learn from it. You grow stronger. Suddenly vengeance doesn't seem so sweet after all. Yes there's the triumphant kick you get, the 'that's what goes when you do shit', the high when you 'teach someone a lesson'. But who are we to do that? We're all humans. Who are we to judge and decide the severity, the penalty when we ourselves make mistakes?

Like Ww said, Karma comes and karma goes. Let life wreck itself on the deserving, and their just deserts. Like the parents said, never push anyone too far. Live, and let live.

If Tok can live with being cheated outta a few grand, the parents forgive and forget those who owe them hundreds of thousands and start over with what they have, I can live with a few nasty bitchings of fuckers.

The brother can get attacked by >8 people at least >5 years older than him, and still get up one time after another, yelling PAH BUAY TOH PAH BUAY TOH! - so can I.

I should end it off now, sounding inspired and all.. but really.. the heart's so heavy I can barely breathe.

Monday, July 09, 2007

; born to be king

I couldn't resist. What better songs to fit my train of thought, than one from the infamous Young & Dangerous (Gu Wa Zai) soundtrack? -Gu Wa Zai is canto for Wiseguy, an Italian term for Gangster.

Hahaha! Brother Dearest had his very first Home Leave after 6 months worth of Boys' Home regimentation. It differs from Time Leave, the 9 hour outings he was allowed for the past 3 weeks, this time, he had from Saturday morning to Sunday evening to do whatever he liked!

Pui and Small Xiang came over. Cousin the PUSSAY cabbed off to her man's home all the way in Bedok (quarrel loh, what else? *involuntary snigger)

Okay I needa poop. Laters.

; homecoming queen

10 months and counting, still going on strong.

I wonder if it was the best, or worst 10 months of my life?

Terence once said this, years back, 'Don't cry cos it's over, smile cos it happened.' Mixed feelings towards that statement, simply because if you've never felt so deep you'll never lose so hard.

Oh, don't misunderstand, we're not breaking up. The boyfriend's heading to serve the nation this weekend. And though I said 'Yeah, finally I'll have a lil self-time', to be brutally honest I'm motherfucking terrified. Don't we all just hate change?

What will I do without my full-time friend & lover?

Will things change between us?

Life's cool as it is, if only it can stay still. I don't wanna move on, I don't wanna look ahead, I don't wanna grow up.

The history of the past is so more bloody brilliant than the dreams of the future, if only because it's a sure thing.

Monday, July 02, 2007

; hear me out

What an apt song title. Silverstein for the win, as always!

When everyone's left me here, I'll make it on my own, just wait and see.

Hear me out, I don't think you'll make it out.

Always remember dears, envy spawns spite, in turn, spite conceives lies.

So forget that bastard or bitch's vicious bitings, and smile that you've have it made. Listen to people talk, about Bill Gates and his infamous dropout from Harvard. So what, he's the richest man in the world. Hear the cutting remarks they sneer about Donald Trump's 'unsightly' (in their words) hairdo, well smell the roses, he's worth a cool 2.9 billion US dollars.

I've made numerous friends, and likewise, countless enemies in life. But the newest accusation or insult or whatever it is, is startling fresh and worth a lil food for thought, for say five seconds anyway.

'I don't like her cos she brags about her trust fund and the clothes she wear (fbts & tees) and the way I see you guys eating Pizza Hut and you paying time doesn't fit in. If she wants to brag at least show proof.' -something along those lines, anyway.

For the benefit of the readers over here, here you go;

Firstly, I fully recall the time when the topic, trust fund came up. June last year, world cup season outside Happy Daze cafe. I can't remember all who were present, but I visualise, no mistake Jennifer, Jona, Calvin, Wanwin (wearing the green racerback), Erik, Peidong (wearing black tee), Cheexian, and the bikers James, Jackson, Xuanbin hanging in the background.

Peidong brought up the issue, by saying he had to sign some papers regarding trust funds round his 18th birthday, and everyone chipped in their two cents, with Erik and myself sharing our fund details.

Tadah, and that was the one and only time trust funds came into the picture. And if disclosing to my boyfriend whom I consider the biggest part of my life apart from the blood ties my 'net worth' at the moment is considered bragging,

Brag [brag]
1.to talk boastfully.
–verb (used with object)

well, I'll say fucks to you you're wrong, I know I'm simply telling him with not the slightest intention nor hint of a boast, a snippet about myself which should be fully understandable to those with functioning braincells, isn't talking to your SO (forum lingo for significant other) about anything and everything under the sun part of a relationship?

The incredulous part is, I've never mentioned it to the one making groundless accusations anything regarding trust funds, and he calls it bragging, when he heard it from my boyfriend. Isn't it more understandable if he goes 'Oh, (insert name of my boyfriend) is bragging that his girlfriend is well to do.'? -.-

God, do I have to produce what, accounts and property deeds to ze boyfriend to show that I'm capable and not lying of being in short, a millionaire's kid? I suggest you catch up on the news, 3 outta every 200 Singaporeans are millionaires, in US currency, even after excluding the house they're living in, so it's really no big deal, nothing suprising, and certainly nothing to be proud of.

For the ignorant, here,http://business.asiaone.com.sg/news/mymoney/20070629_001.html.

I've addressed the 'Pizza hut and boyfriend paying' issue not a long while ago, and I would reiterate, but lazily so make do with the a) Boyfriend's arrangement - like marriage, I bring in the dough and you do the housework and be my Maria and b) Paying behind the scenes - spare boyfriend and myself embarrassment of letting the world see the woman forking out cash and pass it to him beforehand (though I would admit, half the time we eat with the family and the 3 quarts, the boyfriend pays)

So sue us for being traditional, and being perfectly happy with the arrangement. We spend what we can afford, when money's tight we make do with chicken rice - laksa for me, and when we can we splurge on delectables, haute cuisine.

And don't even start on 'why will moneybags be less full when you're rich'. I don't proclaim I'm rich. Let's face it. The Rents are the one holding onto the purse strings. I suppose by some insane warped theory you can make it out that it's my fault I get 450 a month now (which by the way I feel is a fairly reasonable sum of money for a teen, I pointed that out to James)

This post has been by far one I've enjoyed the most lately, but I'm tired and will address the last issue, the duds.

Dude, this is Singapore. Humid, Hot. And while I will take responsibility of my love for FOOD, GLORIOUS FOOD.. leading to a hefty babydino sticking to tees and polos, I see no reason to apologise or explain my strutting in the heartlands sporting oversize tees and shorts. It's not my problem dude chooses to take the heat in a worn old tshirt (*rolls eyes, have you looked in the mirror lately?) and jeans, but I'm sticking to my preference for comfort over stylish in the face of my boyfriend. Especially when it's for heading out to TEH-O, Maggi Goreng and not what, gourment coffee and pasta at the stifling coffeeshop and right back to the house within an hour. When it's to movies and restaurants and so on, you can open your abnormally large it then.

The boyfriend's not complaining, so, why should you?

Yes clothes make a person they say, but what do I have to prove to the Indian PrataMan, to the Stingray Uncle, or to you even? Yawns.

There was a time I wouldn't step outta the house without full makeup and perfect club gear on but thankfully, I've outgrown the infantile, or in baby language, childish need to flaunt or to put up appearances.

So if hanging out with the Nikebag (which I'm pretty fond of) makes me less worthy than when I'm sporting Gucci, who needs superficiality like that, anyway? (:

I can be Lok-kok, and still have a boyfriend and friends who loves me.

AND, that doesn't make me any poorer than those who wears Mango to kopidiams, which by the way, is a mid range brand. But it doesn't make me any better than them either.

; poison

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.

And I may be wrong about alot of things, but trust me on that one.

Vengeance is sweet, and is best a dish served cold.

And like My Chemical Romance so proudly proclaimed, it will be three cheers and three cheers

Three cheers for sweet revenge. :D

Sunday, July 01, 2007

; candlelight fantasia

It's 6.22 in the morning, my latest fag is making me sleepy but it's high time I started updating, no?


The past two weeks or so have been pretty eventful, what with my birthday and everything going on. Nothing flashy though, I think I've outgrown the traditional crazy havoc of a birthday week I use to relish in. Last year and this, meesah have stuck to a quieter, cosy celebration, and I'm not complaining, they were as pretty damn awesome as they come.

Dinner at Morton's, Erik's recommendations never go wrong, though the pricetag was worth a :O but OH THE STEAK. OH THE BEVERAGES.

Sidetrack. AMAGAWD I think my 13 year old brother's friend added me on friendster. LOL. "when did i hurt u? i really duno... really duno... u lyk dat u noe i mre n mre fan mah? haiz...ppl view mi till 8365 m i so popluar? diaoz... MIA LoNeLyNeSsBoY"

AHAHAHA. 8365 views for a profile with no picture SIOL! Making my toes giggling, seriously. Okay I think I need to get psycho-analysed for my need to taunt a prepubescent child but this is hilarious hehehe.

Okay where was I. Oh yes. The sight of the chocolate cake topped with premium icecream (it was known as ZE GODIVA'S CHOCOLATE CAKE till they updated the menu) and the scarlet strawberries topped with the most delectable looking cream ever.. YUMMEH! Impeccable service, though we were probably the youngest customers there and our wallets nowhere as thick as the multitude of caucasians and dignified looking businessmen, not to forget the powerhouse women in suits. Four outta five, the steak was close to perfection but not nearly there yet so.. DON'T THINK JUST GO. :D

And I've found the perfect solution to my insatiable sweet tooth. P.S Cafe. Located in a really secluded spot, near Tanglin Mall, hard to find but that's the intrigue and when you do. WHOA. The cakes are fantastic I tell you. Bout 15 a cake, a generous slice and so prettily presented that I, the most fussy person alive when it comes to cakes - Yes I openly grumbled at a Secret Recipe one and refused to finish it- cannot conceal my delight and were practically rubbing my hands in glee much to the amusement of mr boyfriend. Haha! And the pricetag, well like what the people say, how many cakes can you eat?! They do dinner too, and the ambience was wonderful. Superb for anniversaries and such, unparalleled, really but go casual formal though, or you'll feel terribly out of place.

Enough raving about food for now.

The boyfriend's selling his Oakley radio sunglasses on Ebay and a thought struck me. EH I CAN SELL MY UNWANTED LV BAG AND WALLET TOO HOH! And then. EH I CAN SELL MY CLOTHES I DON'T WEAR COS I'M TOO BABYDINOSAUR LIKE NOW LEH!

Will post them up after I master the art of taking photographs of clothes. Rachie's gonna help display them on her blog. Teehee I'm too lazy to set up one lah! And if you know me you probably know that my clothes are fairly expensive, I don't think I have a single piece apart of tees below 60, mostly designers, so please do support! No defects, barely worn (I buy on impulse then I realise they make me look fat and I've stuck to my tees and polos since hitting 55kg =( YES NOT SHY) And I'll give a fair price, does up to 50% from the original sound reasonable? Hmm.

Oh and an authentic brand new Louis Vuitton wallet going at 600 from the original http://www.eluxury.com/browse/product_detail.jhtml?styleid=10470401&SectionID=6000 945 (US currency x1.52) which is uh 35% discount, anyone? Impulse, impulse. Probably gonna sell it on Ebay, but I'm too lazy to ship it. And a bag from the same line, retailing at 2 - 3 k odd, will post it up when I'm less of a bum. My arms hurt =(
