Tuesday, September 05, 2006

; scars

I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut
My weakness is that I care too much
My scars remind me that the past is real
I tear my heart open just to feel

I'm glad the tension's cleared. I'm guilty of being over-sensitive, paranoid over the slightest issues, but then my feminine intuition is very seldom wrong. But I'm not gonna push it, and I just hope there'll be honesty and openness in friendships, relationships and everything else.

I'm not proud of my past. Like the fact that boys were but toys to me. Ter and mine's 'Frivolous's my name, flirting's my game'. Like the fact that I.. lead people on unwittingly. I'm ashamed of what I used to be like.

Now I'm merely vocal about who I deem cute. So don't go saying that I'm still the same girl you knew.

But I'm a new person, and I'm trying my best to grow up from my mistakes. So don't judge me, and I'll appreciate it if you just let the past go. I was really upset, when I felt that it never seemed to go away, it always haunts, but well.

I guess it's a matter of perception. I ask you all to allow me to start on a fresh slate. And if you guys have any doubts in me, clear it up first-hand, cos there's probably so much more to what you've heard. Okay? Thank you.

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