Sunday, September 03, 2006

; chen mo wan ju

Hmm. I'm really effing pampered I'm beginning to think.

And the realisations comes with appreciation for the people around me. What would I be without you guys!

Erik, for the endless consultations on everything from guys to chaos theory to the difference between mac, windows and linux. Haha!

Michie thinks she should be paid everytime hanging out with me. Know why know why? BABYSITTING CHARGES. LOL. Yknow this really hilarious incident. Erik was sending us home, and he reached Michie's place. Turned around and ask Jov, so where do we go. I just.. shrugged. Dunno? And Mich the walking street directory started directing Erik. Turn right turn left turn at this junction and what nots. In the end Erik got so confused and the decision was made. He'll send me home with Mich IN the car, so that she could lead him to my place before driving to HER PLACE again. OMGWTFBBQSTEAMBOATSEOULGARDEN RIGHT. Like she said I think she's like my boyfriend only female. Wahlao she knew me for months I can count with one hand and she knows almost everything about me like the quirky habits and patterns as well as facts you gotta know eg. directions. eg. i love cute boys. eg. i do stupid stuff people think funny but i just don't know why. I'm sucha kid at heart I swear. Cw always looks at me then laugh to himself for I don't know what freaking reason la and he says obviously I did something funny or the like HAHA.

And Cheewee was like so sweet the poor guy. He had to cut up the burger and scoop the pieces up nicely so that I can eat it. And the time we had noodles he actually placed the noodles nicely into the spoon so I can just pick up the spoon and eat. HAHAHA. Tell me where I can find a better wife than this please. Works while I relax smoke msn. Pte joke hahahaha. I gotta start figuring out what to do with his pay. HEEHEEHEE. Okay evil thoughts jokes only la!

And I've only known him for like awhile and Mich for a couple of months but they saved my life countless times la. Especially when road-crossing. I think I'll have died long ago without my friends. They're always the one pulling me onto the curb. Hahaha.

Not to forget Micky la hahaha we're like so funny today I keep laughing. Took my mind of emo issues. I'm so lucky sometimes I feel.

I really wanna watch Lovewrecked. I keep missing it. Grrr.

Eh you guys realise this entry is like so twitish heh? I don't know why too. Too tired to write properly I think.


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