Saturday, September 09, 2006

; nobody knows it but me

I don't know what exactly happened, but I ended up not watching a movie with Michie, nor spending Josh's last day of freedom at Cine, nor hanging out with Cheewee like we were supposed to.

A little upset, and I relied on good old Paracetamol to depart the world a little earlier than usual this cold, lonely, supposed to be happening Friday night.

I'm unsure of whether I dozed off to the deliberately woeful tunes of JayChou, but when I re-entered the saddest dimension of reality, I heard an emotional speech, littered by voice-breaks which ended up with heartbreaking sobs.

My dearest cousin, may everything be fine and dandy with you. You're the simplest, happiest person I know and I would hate for a broken love affair to do this to you, to inflict the awakening that have wounded so many of us, to cynical and jaded beings doubtful of the sweetest word in the English dictionary, love. Perhaps this will help you grow up, and snap you out of your annonying yet endearing innocence that life is, and can be wonderful. But I'd rather that not happen, cos there are so many ways, easier ones that allows maturity.

Moving on to happier topics.

Wanted: A Girlfriend!

My brother Leo's seeking a girlfriend, not a fling, or so he claims. *snickers

Quoted "Girlfriend means I love you, you love me, we are happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. I know that you love me too!"

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Not too bad huh? I love my sweetie boy but that would be incestuous and Jov does no blasphemy. Also we're so alike we'll prolly kill each other in bed. HAHA.

Here's the uh. criteria. He claims he isn't picky la, but I think otherwise.. RAWR I'm gonna shut up and leave it up to you guys. :D

First things first:
Male, 22, absolutely delicious.

LOL okay I wrote that.

Ahem. Here I go, all serious and solemn this time round, jokes thrown aside.

Leo's theory

Sex > World of Warcraft > Real life.

World of warcraft is like my job, and I may spend alot of time playing it, and they must not complain (It's also a good thing because I don't have much time for other girls) -jov rolls her eyes

And my boys are important to me, and I would like to meet them every now and then if possible.

Next, you don't have to be extremely hot or good looking. (but at least be above average)

I want a girlfriend that can actually speak English and not type like this. "euuu mieeee worx"

Also, intelligence is an important asset. They don't have to be rich or close to that. I don't care about wealth.

Educated, in a way. You gotta greet his parents when you see them. And he doesn't want a girlfriend that yells Kan Ni Na Buay Chee Bye La in public. Of course, you can yell on the bed, it might turn him on.

Yeah, and please be understanding.

A girlfriend, not a fling! "I'll make time for her, I'm a nice boyfriend."

Remember, Sex > Wow, so if you wanna get him away from the computer, you know what to do. *winks

He'll be faithful, the lonely boy has been single for 5months, and flinging around before that, so technically, it has been almost a YEAR since a relationship!

Yes, well that's Leonard, affectionally known as Leoieee or Leo if you like, for you. And if you're interested, msg or call me, Jovina for a queue number and an interview!

While stocks stock last!!

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