Monday, August 28, 2006

; school library

Why do you always have to do this Mom?

You just irritate the hell outta me every fucking goddamn morning and that ruins my whole day. Which ruins my whole week. It's a vicious cycle that just keeps repeating. I'm sick of this. I repeat. I'm mother fucking tired of this nonsense.

Yeah so I overslept. Nobody woke me up yeah? How would I know this would be the day when everyone goes Oh let her sleep she'll wake up eventually? Huh? You think I'm some superhuman who can predict that, Oh today the world's gonna be irresponsible and leave me to my own devices to get to school on time? Yeah man. I'm so fucking sure.

And bloody hell. So what if my friends or acquaintances do drugs? I'm clean okay? When you bug the hell outta me about them and crack stupid stuff like what if you didn't leave the chalet earlier, and what if your brother didn't have probation, you two would prolly stay there and be caught like the rest! Ha. Ha. I'm so sure you don't know that on school days I'll reach home before 12. And when you made that senseless remark of how my friends would just slip dope into my drink and shit, I really wanted to fucking snap at you. Hey Mom? I've been there, done that. I use to do it once a month and I got tired and I see no sense in wasting more of my braincells. So hell just bloody leave me alone. Bk TOLD me before I even entered the chalet that they were gonna have a tryst just for fun. It's not an often sorta thing. It's just.. seldom. But fuck quit making wild guesses okay. I know what I ought to do and what I ought not. And the cousin wanted to go. We didn't fucking forced her. She was the one throwing tantrums because Bk asked me and Edwin didn't invite her. God.

Even the cousin's annoying this morning. I merely wanted to borrow her book and I actually left her a note about it, which she ignored. I mean hello you don't even read the book in school except for your bloody silent reading. Couldn't you lend it to me and I'll return you within a couple of hours? Selfishness. I'm sick of you too. Really. How can anyone be so hopelessly deluded I don't know. The elephantine skin of yours amuses and irritates me in turn. Look at Edwin then.. Ah forget it. I don't wanna be a total bitch and make acerbic remarks of no good to anyone. But honestly. Take a good look and reflect before commenting and throwing your temper.

You've no fucking right to tell me what to and what not to do. I don't mother fucking wanna quarrel with you but you make fucked up comments you think so right without bothering to look over your own actions and behaviour. Yeah so you're happily attached now, does that give you the right, make you immune to feelings of others? Just think back what you fucking were like before you got attached. You were worst off than myself okay? And what the hell are you doing now, attached and leading another guy on? And flirting with guys and having dears and hubbies and all those nonsensical shit?

Ah fuck it I can't help my anger and the venom within. But having unleashed I'm gonna be okay. I feel better already and that's without bitching at anyone. Or lashing out at innocent parties. That's good. That's what this blog is for.

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