Monday, August 21, 2006

; schl library

I'm reeling from shock.

Y'guys prolly know that I'm one who gets affected easily by happenings of others, whether I know them or not yeh? Well this ain't no small issue like the rest, typical family drama, broken heart and all that. (not that I mean those are insignificant issues but yknow what I mean)

Hmm. Not naming anybody to protect their privacy.

Last monday, I was invited to a chalet by a.. friend. (: Leave it at that. It was a yknow. 'Gang' thing? Like you get this top guy and people under him and those have even smaller fries below them, tt kinda thing. Oh here's a fun fact, I used to be one of them when I was 13, 14. Lol. And those attached ones brought the girls along, naturally.

But my point is, the group were a pretty united bunch. Which made them nice people to hang out with, even though I knew only a couple of them and a few more, like my bro and his friends.

The fucked up thing happened that night. The place was raided for drugs, don't ask me what, I no longer touch those stuff anymore.And at least 10? of them were caught. Most of them are out on bail, with the exception of the one considered trafficking. Those I was closer to didn't get caught, thank jesus tapdancing christ.

Okay here's the climax of this tale.

One of them decided to run for it. Seriously. To Malaysia or something. In case you didn't know, if you're charged under 55 (some secret society shit), they have a right to jail you. Without a jail term. Meaning they can release you in 20weeks. Or 20 years. So yeah, since he was a foreigner he decided to leave. (I'm not very sure of this, what I heard, that's why I'm not naming anyone what!)

And the question was, is his girlfriend gonna leave with him? I saw her at the chalet, and I liked the look of her. Pale, sweet looking, matureand somewhat tired, as she watched her boyfriend splashing in the pool. For some reason I assumed they've been together for a long time, maybe from the bits and pieces I heard. Also told that boyfriend hugged other girls in front of her and she just kept quiet. Chancing upon her friendster, I found out they've only been together for what, 3 months!

And. Deciphering some codes, I realised.. she was with child. Ohmygod. If I'm correct she's only 15! And here she is, pregnant at 15, ready to go on the run with her man.

I don't know her, but really. I'm gonna keep her in my thoughts and pray for her. Such.. foolishness at a tender age, but her courage and determination really won my admiration. Of course, and her decision of keeping the baby. Ranking first on my hate list would be mothers who aborted their own child. I've fallen out with friends over this and I'm still stubborn about it. It's the most morally incorrect thing. Towards the girl, I've no right to question her choice, so I'm going to judge not and wish her the best however things turned out.

She decided her life at 15, while I'm still stumbling on the stupid roadblocks of mine.

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