Tuesday, August 22, 2006

; he se mao yi

To all my readers, perhaps I should clarify the situation a little.

Alwin's pissed me off major by various petty little actions, and I'm glad to say, I no longer dwell on history. A little nostalgia, certainly, I'm a crabby Cancerian after all, but that's about it.

Currently. It would be the one-off I've been blogging about lately.

Yknow, I think life's determined to screw me up. Turning on my comp, I did the usual first act when I use msn, check out his contact information. And I saw my pic, one I took with Michie. Like, HUH? I thought I was seeing things. Literally. But when I clicked his window, it was his own pic? Did that bout 3 times to the same result. The final time, it changed to another pic of his, so did the msn window. Like wtf?

I checked mine and Mich's friendster. Nope, I didn't upload the pic. So what now, am I losing it so much I'm hallucinating?

Long hair. Quiet, gentle. Cute at times. Able to stay out, able to click with his clique.

BB didn't say the rest, but I can more or less predict.

Slim, pretty. Blablabla.

I'm going to mould myself in that. Remind me to speak softly from now on.

Should I smoke, or not? Hmm.

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