Thursday, August 03, 2006

; if you're gone

Josh's leaving in 1 and a 1/2 hour's time.. ):

Overwhelmed by emotions outta the blue, and I can't help those cliche but oh so meaningful quotes rushing out.

<3 Outta sight, but not outta mind.

<3 Absence makes the heart fonder.

We haven't been talking and hanging out much dear, but you know I love you. And I know you love me as much too.

Be good, and be safe.

Don't go picking up random girls just because Amanta and Jerick are gonna be all lovey-dovey couple-like! Jerick's the BAGMAN remember!

*Mwaks, I've a feeling I'll miss you shitloads, and we'll talk in 5 days.

These 5 days are gonna seem like a lifetime.

Did I say I'll miss you so fucking much already?

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