Sunday, August 06, 2006

; bye bye beautiful

-Take a look at your friends, then list up to 10 things you want to say to 10 different friends.
-DO NOT state who these people are.
-DO NOT confirm or deny any "comment speculation".

1. You're my missing half, and I'll never be too busy for you, no matter how many LJs I have. LOL. Not spending this weekend with you seems WRONG. Love you my dear and be good, quit bullying your poor boyfriend!

2. I've known you for less than 3 months, and you've seen me through two major heartbreaks already! What would I've done without you, and I hope I've been there for you when you needed me all this time yo? Big hugs!

3. Yeah, so, maybe if you quit the nasty comments, we could still be friends? I've got nothing against you personally, but what do you think I'll do when you say stuff like that to me outta the blue? It gets on my nerves you know? Forget the past, why can't you?

4. If we don't work out as lovers, why can't we be friends? The things you do seriously annoys me. All those nonsense behind my back. But when I remember how well you treated me those two weeks, the hatred and anger dissipates somehow. Treat your girlfriend good, she really loves you. You can be a great boyfriend if you want to. Really (:

5. The sister I never had. I wouldn't be able to function without you! Who's gonna make me milo and cook me noodles all those unearthly hours? And when I get emo and all. You're the sunshine in my life, so don't leave me cos I'll always need you. Love you!

6. Thanks for always being here dear. This walking timebomb has exploded on you a couple of times already, but you're still foolishly carrying it! So now I'm your problem! :D Your shoulders and ears and arms are the best when I need them. So, listen up, would you marry me!

7. YOU'RE SO YUMMY. HOW CAN ONE WHO'S NAME RHYMES WITH ASS BE SO ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY DELICIOUS?! (hehe I feel so safe typing this he's not gonna read it anyway) ><

8. I miss you so much! I miss all the food in your house, having you cook all those yummy stuff for me while I relax like a queen! HEEHEE. And just plain lazing around reading and using the laptop on your bed! I haven't forgotten the time you JUMPED on me on your bed >< I love you, best friend!

9. Halfway round the world, that won't stop me from loving you! 7 Years, and still going strong! I can't wait to visit New York City soon with you my free tour guide showing me around! I miss you so much babe, thanks for the cards every year!

10. My first love.. it was so good meeting you. You're everything I expected and more. I guess I really had good taste when I was a 14 year old school girl yo? Ahaha. I'm so glad that our friendship's intact after everything, all that drama years back. Time really heals all wounds huh? Your girlfriend's a lovely girl, be good to her! I'm sure you will. You've changed so much since, remember our common trait then? Frivolous's my name, flirting's my game!

The Honorary One.

11. And at the end of the day, I still miss you terribly. I don't know whether it's love, but it is something.

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