Thursday, August 31, 2006

; obviously

In the last three months,

I've been compared to sunshine.
I've been told I'm oh so bubbly.
I've been thought as "You're always so happy!"

OMG! I'm torn between amusement and dismay as I realised what hopelessly deluded and misguided friends I have!

Or maybe, just maybe I've been gradually losing my gloomy emo cool and aloof aura, and replacing it with a little warmy sunshiney miss jubilant one.

I don't know whether that's good or bad news.

Imagine the stark contrast: fiery red or the morose dark colours I've always been associated with evolving into shocking hot pink! Pink! Of cotton candy and Barbies and all things annoyingly bimbotic!


I must have unwittingly mutated into the Paris Hiltons and Jessica Simpsons of the world! Next thing I know I'll be changing my chihuahua's name to Tinkerbell and mistaking tuna sandwiches for chicken or is it chicken for tuna?


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