Sunday, August 20, 2006

; lost, broken, confused

Yknow, I realised how much we Singaporeans depend on blogs of others for information.

Especially those we've somehow lost touch with, but still wish to hear about the going ons of their lives and their feelings, thoughts.

Too bad both of them doesn't have a blog. Lol. I miss B. I remembered he nipped me on the neck and I went to examine it whilst washing my face but I couldn't see any mark. Sigh. Haha! I'm a sucker for lovebites and nuzzling of the necks, so sue me.

Maybe I'm just tired. Or maybe it's the two continuous sticks of lights. Sigh lights are slightly better than those menthol I've been smoking for the past couple of days, but still. No compensation for reds, that's for sure. REDS FOR THE WORLD. You should have seen the look on my face as I was puffing away on Erik's reds. Pure unadultered bliss. Hahaha.

Okay la I think I should catch some sleep. The sun's shining and the birds are chirping and it's getting warm in the living room. Yawnsie. Nightsie.

Oh and I realised I'm a blog whore. I blog too much. Should I cut down?

Oh and today was a pretty good day. Didn't emo much while I was out. Too busy with everyone. Haha. I haven't met most of them for a week! which is a long time for us.

And I still haven't seen Cw with his new hair. Oh and Mich dyed her hair, streaks of red which would look Ahlien on anyone, but I'm glad she looks pretty much the same la. Hahaha.

I MISS YOU. Maybe I should go chomp on BurgerKing tomorrow. I dunno.

Lalalalala. I got nothing more to say but I feel like showing off to myself my pretty much superb typing skills. Hahaha Imma loser I know. Okay goodnight or rather morning people, and hey, the world's smiling today!

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