Saturday, August 05, 2006

; ride with me

Does your name begin with J?

You are blessed with a great deal of physical energy. When used for a good cause there is nothing to stop you, except maybe that they aren't always used for the good. (you could dance all night.) You respond to the thrill of the chase and the challenge of the mating game.You can carry on great romances in your head. At heart you are a roamer and need to set out on your own every so often. You will carry on long- distance relationships with ease. You are idealistic and need to believe in love. You have a need to be nurtured deep within.


Turn ons

Try to adapt yourself with the changing moods of the Cancer. At one moment they may be laughing and enjoying and in another moment they may cry or sulk. You may have to adjust with the moody and sensitive Cancer. They are like the tides in the ocean always fluctuating. Cancer people love food so if you know how to cook and can be poetic and romantic (added Bonus) then you know the way to their heart.

Turn offs

Cancerians are very sensitive people and can get easily hurt. So do not play with their emotions and sentiments. They are like tides that can take you with it. They form emotional bonds with even inanimate things too so do not ask them to discard old caps or souvenirs these things hold special meaning to them. You have to realize that the crabs have soft heart and are vulnerable. Do not contradict their tested line of thought and action, it would only lead to confusion.

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