Thursday, August 17, 2006

* lullaby.

Praying for love in a lapdance and
Paying with naivety.

I've always said, no meaningless fucks for this girl, and I'm glad I didn't weaken my stand today. But if you'd like to know, I was tempted to. (:

Perhaps it's in the way you cradled me to sleep, your face buried in my hair.

Maybe it's in the intensity of your gaze before you lowered yourself for a kiss.

Possibly it's in the way you so gently caressed my face, your expression tender.

And it's in the way, you respect my decision and didn't take things too far.

I closed my mind to every warning, I just wanna savour the perfect moment while it lasted. In your arms, I wished for time to stand still. I could fall asleep and never wake up again with a smile on my face.

Though it probably meant nothing to you with the exception of lust, and I doubt you'll be reading this, I thank you for today. Even if it ends right where we left off, the sweet twinge of pleasure as you made my heart race today will always remain a fond memory.

With no expectations, there can not possibly be disappointment.

And that's the way I'm taking on the game of life, one step at a time.

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