Friday, August 25, 2006

Headache again. Shoulders and neck aching pretty worst than usual too. Sigh hope I don't need to go back to the two panadols before sleep every night thing.

I'm not sleepy but the world seems to be spinning. Not unlike last night ):

So I'm typing quite randomly again.

Orals were a piece of cake today. Will be pretty suprised if I didn't manage to score except that I screwed the reading part by reading like an express train due to sheer nerves. Convo was fun lol female examiner was smiling and the male one was groaning when I went oooh shopping does wonders for female bonding but the poor guys gotta hang around only to carry the shopping bags. Haha! But whatever, like Mom said however I do I have an A2 to fall back on so.. Lucky me!

Cousin said I've changed since I met Bk and decided that I have a slight.. thing for him. Lol. I no longer go out that often, I'd rather stay or hang in the area. Hoping to hear or bump him. Kinda true now that I come to think of that.

But that's over and done with la. Quote Mich, well you wanted him. You got him. And now it's end of story. You should be happy rather than emo. Unquote.

That's pretty accurate actually. My bro and company have been mentioning him a couple of times, how 'COOL' and 'HOTSHOT' he was. And when I saw his pictures I was thinking. Mm pretty cute, wouldn't mind getting to know him somehow. Lol. And the very next day, he texted me after getting my number. I mean, otherwise I would NEVER reply a twit. Okay maybe not twit just someone chinky.

Had a fleeting enjoyment of his attention and affection, and hey that should be enough. Never be fooled by a kiss. I'm gonna stick to that.

The player should know that. First rule of the game is never to become attached (and I mean emotionally not attached attached) to the other party. So we're both out for a little fun, we got it, and it's game over.

I was fooled a little by him telling his friends he wanted something serious after he got to know me. And his shyness when he brought me to the chalet where all his friends were residing. Maybe his nature and how he behaved as well.

But whatever. I've woken up.

I think I had enough of the game for awhile. Playing the field since age 13 has taken it's toll on me. That's not to say I've never waited nor fell in love. I did. But I never stopped playing throughout.

Think it's just about time.

And if love comes knocking without me seeking, YAY!

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