Sunday, May 06, 2007

; underneath your clothes

Parents.. sometimes I really suspect they have this morbidly accurate sixth sense when it comes to their kids. Like, the moment I gave in to craving and held a cig to my mouth, my mom startled me with a loud PSTTT and a half grumpy half accusatory look on her face, as if I said anything about tobacco abstinence or like she doesn't wake up early in the morning anyways.

Omg. Tired of my winamp playlist, I decided to check out P10 for songs and can you believe it Paris Hilton's rubbish track made it to 2006's top100. -_- Never trust Singaporeans for their eardrums, I tell you.

All's good with the bf. He's being so nice that it feels a lil scary, really. Making amends probably, not that I'm ungrateful about that. I've always had this.. unfair mentality, that he doesn't really love me, and I, him, that we're staying together more out of.. habit, and cos we're really comfortable and with each other, and the companionship perhaps but I think I'm wrong, we do love each other, just that our relationship's more like a husband and a wife, then boyfriend and girlfriend, if you get my drift. I mean, we practically live together after all, for more than half a year.

Jojo was Miss TeenUSA? Omg too.

The body's a bitch these days. I feel so.. whiny complaining about it all the time but seriously. Nausea outta nowhere, insomnia and severe aches. Don't know what's wrong with me.

Oh and to always be on the safe side, do remember condoms, cos it's not worth the worrying. And a lil food for thought, the boyfriend was like 'hey yknow how we get all relieved and happy that we never get pregnant, and then when we're planning for a family and we realise *gasp there's a problem with us and we CAN'T get pregnant, what would you do?'

Visiting the brother later, I should get an hour's rest even if I can't sleep so. Laters.

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