Friday, November 09, 2007

; lonely

It never once occurred to me that it could be the other way round.

Why would she willingly give up what I would give my everything for? What I've been desperately craving, nightly dreaming of, since the tender age of fourteen?

It is true, that one man's meat may be another's poison but this realisation led to an all too troubling self-discovery.

What I've been clinging on to- what could drive me to ecstasy in a fantasy world only to shatter any miserable ounce of my self-esteem all in a flicker of an instant, for such a prolonged period of time is more than likely just an idealized illusion, memories are sentimental, and vague and subjective after all, we remember only what we choose to, whether consciously or not.

I have elevated my Holy Grail to a celestial pedestal. Hopes so high will only crash and allow the manifestation of burning disappointment.

I have always imagined that if it belonged to me, the dark clouds will go away, and never come back for like fiery Apollo, it will chased them to the other end of the world. How wrong I have been.

The wind is neither whispering, nor whimpering now. It is raging.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

waaa ur post so chim.
HAHAHAH (: cheers!
