Friday, November 02, 2007

; dear, dear

Gucci's winter bag and belt selection was hideous, such a disappointment.

Mom's mini operation went pretty much alright, her boob's still bleeding though, so as not to retain any 'dirty blood' I think. She'll have to head back to Mount E. tomorrow for a quick review.

Guess who I literally BUMPED into in town?

FAT Michelle, as fat as ever, and larger than life!

I recognised the battered blue teddy tee when I turned over, frowning irritably as she almost knocked me over.

The uncanny thing is, moments before, I was enjoying my baked rice at NYDC, and telling my cousin that I remember being here a long time with Wanwin, Mich, and FATMich.

Better go bathe to wash off any ill luck from that unexpected, unwanted encounter with that cockroach. *shudders disgustedly*

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