Monday, April 07, 2008

; and i'm sharing a dream with a memory

Time to get some accounting done and away with.

Vevian - 150 000
XiaoXiang - 15 000
Kunlong - 120 000
Tingting - 20 000

Yay. I should just tread in the shoes of Ahlongs of the world and start splashing paint and cutting wires just for the fun of it.

And I so need to lose 5 or is it 7 kilos now so I can live up to what I said and pursue thus scaring the hell outta the man of my dreams (only, I'm almost totally over him.)


I've got almost exactly two months left to TP and a thousand more lessons to clear. My lazy ass is burning a hole in my chair but I'm not moving.

HA, Ting stuck her nose all accusatory like to the moniter - 'Can you stop blogging about him?' The smug smirk on my face when she saw the neat column of figures.

Oooh, someone's been spreading stories on how I'm his ex girlfriend! Teeheehee. Self-satisfied grin again.

Forgive my mindless ramblings. I'm bored and sleepy, bad combination that comes along everytime gloomy Monday comes skipping up.

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