Wednesday, February 13, 2008

; nan ren nu ren

To prevent myself from smacking Kelly that's in my possesion but not mine, I've handed it over to the Sis for safekeeping. So close to fucking away all the promises I made in front of Andy and Leikong but thankfully.

Self control. Self control. Self control.

Relentless, reckless gambling like my own will only lead to a complete loss of dignity for a girl. Ditto those Happy Pills I both yearn and fear.

So it's N A D A for now.

Since the hectic trip to Thai, staying home's been leaving me restless and edgy. Maybe the ol' Jov's emerging again. Oh remember Joshua, clubbing queen, only fifteen?


Work's been mindless fun the last couple of days. A little quieter without Nick no doubt but a lil more peace on the ear too. Haha! I'm like, a makeshift clown for Bryan and Tommy la.

Klutzy me.

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