Wednesday, December 26, 2007

; last christmas

Christmas was unexpectedly good.

Sometimes, the best thing in life is a surprise!

AND I got to hang up my sock like a kid (only this year, I sent it by text cos I wasn't home) and received one large note in it. HEHEHE.

LCW's getting me a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , a perfume of my choice (I declared perfume a yearly Christmas ritual and insisted that it's traditional like turkey and log cakes so technically, it's not a present it just comes with Xmas, and yummy dinner at Dylan's workplace.

Hahaha I'm so ripping him off.

But I'm getting him a mobile if that says anything about my generosity *smirks. Considering how he treats me..

Mom announced her need for a black bag earlier. It was like, tink! Pixie dust everywhere, time to dig my claws into Dad next!

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